Survey Results
Nearly 50% of previous participants completed the online survey giving a total of 98 responses and therefore we believe there is some statistical validity in the results.
POS members are a diverse bunch of creatives!
- 77% are female and 20% male.
- Part-time artists are in the majority, with 61% vs 39% full-time artists.
- Amongst women, about two-thirds are part-time; while amongst men, about half are part-time[1].
- There is an even split between painters (including drawing) and makers.
- 34 respondents are solely painters
- 14 paint and make
- 49 don’t paint but do make
- Overall, 17 different types of making activity were reported, the most common ones being: textiles, 15; photography, 12; pottery and ceramics, 8; woodworking, 6; and printmaking, 6.
- 56% sell on-line.
- 70% of the male respondents sell online, compared to 50% of the female.
POS members are happy living in Perthshire for multiple reasons:
- 53 mentioned the countryside, its beauty and inspiration.
- 35 mentioned a strong artist community as one of the best things.
- 6 mentions of the number of galleries/selling opportunities.
- 6 mentions of the rural lifestyle.
A strong artist community and art scene is important to members, but 22% are missing out on joining other artist organisations as a total 62 different organisations were mentioned.
- 23 respondents named Perthshire-specific groups, with 10 mentions of Perthshire Artisans.
- 19 mentions of Scottish-specific groups, including 5 mentions of the Scottish Artists Union.
- 13 mentions of local-specific groups focused on smaller areas of Perthshire, such as the Pitlochry Creatives.
By far the most common challenge of living in Perthshire was perceived as the number of selling opportunities, with the impacts of geography, such as distance and rural locations, coming in a distant second.
This result is somewhat at odds with the fact that 14 respondents attended between 10 and 30 selling opportunities a year, indicating that selling opportunities do exist. However:
- 7 respondents attend just 1 event a year
- 38 respondents attend 2 to 4 events a year
- 24 respondents attend 5 to 9 events a year.
[1] We cannot compare across genders because the sample sizes are so different.