The Perthshire Creative Trail has been launched – there are 15 galleries, 32 artists, 5 places to visit and 7 places to see the inspiration and take a walk on the Perthshire Creative Trail. Supported by the Perth UNESCO City of Craft and the Perth and Kinross Council, this all year round Trail aims to encourage visitors and residents to explore the creativity and inspiration that is out there, whatever the weather and whatever the time of year. Each artist and gallery is recognisable by the Trail window sticker currently being distributed.

The Trail was launched with a short showcase at the Bield with over 200 visitors and almost £2000 of sales.

The POS website carries a special Trail section where people can search by creative activity and artist and click on locations. They can also save their favourites to print out and carry with them into the areas where mobile internet connectivity is poor.

There are also brochures and leaflets available with all the details. We are advertising the Trail in a number of publications and there is a marketing guide to promoting the Trail for members. There will be press and social media work as well. It’s the first year and we are feeling our way forward, but already reports are coming in of visitors and commissions. Creative Trail membership will open again in Spring 2024.

If you would like brochures or leaflets to promote the Trail, please contact