Why do we open our studios?

I’m so excited! I have tickets for the Grayson Perry show in Edinburgh. Perry is a hero of mine in the world of art for two reasons: he is known for ceramics and textiles (my main loves), and he can express complex ideas in an accessible way, showing great eloquence and humour. He is one […]

Will anyone buy our art?

If food prices and mortgage costs are rising dramatically, is anyone going to buy our art? Before you all cry “we’re doomed”, there is hope. At the extreme, poverty may mean that art slips off the agenda for the artist and the potential buyer. However, in my 30 years working across the African continent with […]

What is an artist?

Mrs Trellis from North Wales has written to complain that we call everyone an artist. So instead of playing my kazoo, my first blog as Chair of Perthshire Open Studios is to discuss the meaning of words! A poisoned chalice if ever there was one! Putting aside metaphors and Radio 4 references, we do need […]